Tax Planning Services


Tax Planning

Cobb Ezekiel Loy & Company, P.A. takes pride in maintaining a first-rate tax practice staffed by quality professionals. 

We understand that effective tax planning is the cornerstone of financial success. The right strategy minimizes personal and business tax consequences and helps avoid future problems. We constantly monitor tax legislation, regulations, and court rulings. We evaluate each client’s unique position in light of the changing situation to project future tax effects of your business and personal decisions. 

By customizing a strategy that fits your particular needs, our tax planning professionals can assist in managing and conserving your wealth while minimizing total taxes. Our proven tax planning solutions are designed to help you accumulate, preserve, and enjoy your property and assets. 



  • Preparation of all Federal, State and Local Tax Returns 

  • Strategic Tax Planning to Offer Maximum Tax Savings and Reduction of Income Taxes 

  • IRS and State Audit Representation 

  • Tax Research, Interpretation and Analysis 

  • Estate, Gifting and Trust Tax Planning 

  • Assistance in Business Sale Transactions, Acquisitions, Mergers, Reorganizations and Liquidations 

  • Development and Implementation of Executive Compensation Programs 

  • State and Local Taxes 

  • Structure and Planning of Transactions to Achieve Your Goals and Avoid Tax Surprises 

For assistance contact Don McBane, CPA, Josh Brown, CPA, and Rodney Herring, CPA.

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