Governmental Accounting & Auditing


Governmental Accounting & Auditing

Cobb Ezekiel Loy & Company, P.A. provides specialized accounting and auditing services for local municipalities and authorities. With over 30 years of experience in governmental accounting, we offer expert financial oversight to ensure accuracy, transparency, and compliance with all applicable regulations.

Our audits adhere to U.S. generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS), Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and Uniform Guidance requirements. We understand the complexities of governmental accounting and work closely with our clients to provide clear, reliable financial reporting that meets the highest standards.

Audit Partner Rebekah W. Loy, CPA, brings a deep understanding of governmental accounting, having earned the AICPA’s Certificate of Educational Achievement in Governmental Accounting and Auditing. Her experience, combined with our firm’s decades of experience, allows us to deliver high-quality service tailored to the needs of municipalities and authorities.

Contact Rebekah Loy, CPA or Ashley Hackett for assistance today.


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